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The new 2021-2027 Erasmus+ programme has been launched. The first annual work programme and the 2021 call have also been published.
Take this opportunity and apply for our courses! 
Our courses fits different learning needs and the topic are seen priorities by Erasmus Plus Programe.

You can choose from more than 50 sessions in different locations like France , Reunion ( France), Malta, Cyprus, Portugal, Spain, Lithuania, Latvia, Greece, Romania, Czech Republic, Finland,  Italy.

Courses ( with full description bellow):














Girl in Classroom

Facing Diversity: Inclusive education strategies for students with fewer opportunities

During your teaching you will encounter a wide variety of students, all with their own history, personality and challenges. In order to enable all your students to benefit from your teaching, you will need to deal with these student differences purposefully.
But how do you do that? How can students interact in a productive way regardless of their cultural belonging? How do you reach all your students? The aim of the training course is to empower teachers with skills and knowledge about access of students with fewer opportunities to formal and non-formal education, transnational mobility and participation, active citizenship, empowerment and inclusion in school and society and also strengthening the knowledge, skills and behaviours needed to fully accept, support and promote the differences in society. 
Join this training and you will broader awareness about different learning approaches, intercultural communication, innovative methods, and how to convert diversity from burden to opportunity.

Based on formal, informal and non formal learning, our methodology will try to stimulate active participation, pro-activity, responsibility and sharing of problems and thoughts of all participants involved. In this way, we aim to build a diverse and stimulating environment for studying, reflecting and working. It has a horizontal and practical approach and will make use of the following tools:face-to-face lessons, experiential learning,team-building and team-working, best practice case-studies, driven simulations,role-play, study visits, focus-group, daily evaluation through self , group assessment, etc 

BEFORE:Every participant will have to fill a questionnaire which helps the trainers to customize the course to better fit their needs. Attendants will get instructions and material which will help them to be prepared for the courses needs.
AFTER: The participants will get material which includes information about all the areas covered at the course,lesson plans , all the produced outcomes of the course, useful links and more.

By the end of the course, each participant should be able to:
-to solve inclusion issues in multicultural classes 
-to have a clear understanding of exclusion and inclusion
-to find solutions and take measures to avoid exclusion of young people with fewer opportunities
-to make inclusion a priority in their work
-to learn strategies for students with fewer opportunities so as to give access them to formal and non-formal education for empowerment and inclusion in school and society
-to raise motivation and interest work with disadvantaged students with fewer opportunities
-to plan for and design inclusive education environments for learning. 
-to develop individual learning plans based on whole-school curriculum planning. 
-to outline strategies for developing professional working relationships within this group. 
-to select and use relevant curriculum and support resources
-to learn new non-formal education activities and techniques in order to better integrate of all students in the classroom
- to find strategies based on a very good overview and practical experience of tools through individual work, working groups and collective work regarding social inclusion
- to use new mediation and negotiation tools in the fight against exclusion of students with fewer opportunities
-to exchange practices and experiences on various aspects and perceptions of marginalization and inclusion.

The programme is designed on learning modules. The detailed agenda will be given after pre-registration.
1 .INTERCULTURAL SETTINGS. Connection between culture and inclusion. Education For All. A global commitment. Multicultural or intercultural education. Show me your class and I will tell you who you are
2 INTRODUCTION TO INCLUSION. A clear, basic understanding of exclusion and inclusion. Principles of inclusive education. Aims and objectives of inclusive education. What means a teacher as inclusive promoter?
3. FEWER OPPORTUNITIES: legal framework. learners characteristics, identification, definitions, etiology, developmental consequences, interventions and prevention; Segregation, integration, inclusion: Inclusive Education Versus Special Education debate
4. INCLUSIVE EDUCATION: The research-basis for inclusive education. Need and importance. The basic elements of inclusive education;Reforms in curriculum. Creating an inclusive learning environment: how to deal with Stereotype threat, Pygmalion effect, Acculturation theory.
5.THE VALUE OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION: The importance of inclusive education; The basic elements of inclusive education; The support of inclusive education; Social theatre, human library and improvisation as educational tools
6. Different ways in which INCLUSIVE EDUCATIONAL PRACTICES build a school's capacity to educate all learners effectively: Coaching models that increase students’ engagement.
7. STRATEGIES TO IMPROVE INCLUSIVE EDUCATION. How to foster students’ inclusion, tolerance and intercultural awareness through non-formal, informal and experiential learning activities. Non formal education tools aimed at social inclusion. Designing lessons and activities to support increasing diversity in contemporary classrooms Strategies to involve in school activities students in risk of exclusion. Activities based on a very good overview and practical experience of tools through individual work, working groups and collective work regarding social inclusion.
8. TECHNIQUES TO SUPPORT SOCIAL INCLUSION. Conflict in classroom. Management styles of conflict. Mediation and negotiation tools in the fight against exclusion of people with fewer opportunities.
9 HUMAN RIGHTS regarding social inclusion in school. The impact regarding social inclusion in schools. Planning, support and commitment. Planning the follow up: future projects together. Course evaluation. Releasing of official course certifications.

At the end of the course, each participant will be awarded with the Europass Mobility Certificate, together with a desciptive certificate of attendance. Both documents will be provided in double language. ( course language and participant national language)

Kids Doing Homework

Stop! Qualitative classroom management and innovative strategies to fight against early school leaving

To prevent early school leaving schools need to develop a systemic approach that includes
simultaneous activities on multiple levels: work with teachers and counselling service, work with parents and work with pupils. “Dropping out” is linked to the feeling of being powerless, of senselessness and
extreme lack of motivation.This course is designed to give teachers a broad overview of classroom leadership and management through an equity lens. It includes research, theories, and applications in practice, in view of creating and sustaining positive and productive learning environments for all
students. Teachers will explore their own values and beliefs, observe and reflect on other teachers’ tactics, learn about a variety of current and past methodologies of class management, and explore working with diverse students. It will help teachers develop skills to help them effectively manage the behavior problems that today's students bring to school

Based on formal, informal and non formal learning, our methodology will try to stimulate active participation, pro-activity, responsibility and sharing of problems and thoughts of all participants involved. In this way, we aim to build a diverse and stimulating environment for studying, reflecting and working. It has a horizontal and practical approach and will make use of the following tools:face-to-face lessons, experiential learning,team-building and team-working, best practice case-studies, driven simulations,role-play, study visits, focus-group, daily evaluation through self ,
group assessment, etc

By the end of the course, each participant should be able to:
- to identify stress-generating situations
- to solve and reduce stress levels and develop the necessary abilities to manage emotions
- to know techniques to reduce stress by managing anger and assertive communication
- to understand the role of communication in ensuring a harmonious and constructive working environment and in
creating an efficient working team
-to strength communication skills
-to learn a variety of tools and resources to apply in the classroom to reduce early school leaving
-to acquire knowledge about how creativity, improved communication and enhanced relational skills can be effective
allies in discouraging school-leaving and favoring a more meaningful school experience.
-to develop communication, collaboration, presentation, problem solving, negotiation, critical and creative thinking skills
-to learn strategies for students with fewer opportunities so as to give access them to formal and non-formal education for empowerment and inclusion in school and society
-to learn new non-formal education activities and techniques in order to better integrate of all students in the classroom
- to learn how to use coaching models in education
-to learn new non-formal education activities and techniques in order to better integrate of all students in the classroom
-to improve management and teaching competences
-to develop an effective how to prevent early school leaving strategy

The programme is designed on learning modules. The detailed agenda will be given after pre-registration.
1.Introduction: Familiarization and presentation of the trainers and the whole group. Participants expectations. Logistic aspects. THE DROPOUT PHENOMENON AS A SOCIAL PROBLEM: Characteristics and
causes of school dropout in the countries of the European Union ( participants research); School Policies and Prevention Program Strategies;Early school dropout: possible ways to prevent it-partnership with stakeholders; creating preventing
dropout startegy ( draft)
2.STRESS FACTORS and CONNECTION WITH DROPOUT PHENOMENON. Positive and negative stress. Intrinsic Motivation and Reinforce Positive Behaviours Stress Management Technique - Self-control: Avoid Stressful Situations; Expectations and Ambitions; Stress Management Technique – Reframing: Unbiased Point of View; Change your Attitude; Evaluate the Importance;Assessing personal stress levels; Personal resources to cope with stress; Techniques to prevent, reduce and combat stress.
3.COMMUNICATION STYLE- COMMUNICATION WITH PARENTS Facts about effective communication with
parents;Common mistakes and hurdles in communicating with parents;Avoiding hurdles and mistakes we often make in our
communication with parents;How to correct mistakes in future communication; Techniques of active listening and
constructive feedback;Supporting parents to set goals and prepare an action plan; Empowering parents to build independence and responsibility in their children;
4.WORKING COOPERATIVELY: Creating a cooperative learning classroom; The benefits of cooperative learning ;. Dividing Your Class into Groups ; How to make cooperative learning work ; How to structure a cooperative learning activity ;
Experiencing a cooperative learning activity
5.Strategies FOR INCLUSION IN SCHOOLS through non-formal methods - The starburst of empowerment method How to spice-up inclusive education. Intra and inter group dynamics for human rights: Group inclusion, exclusion and human rights. Developing trust and self-esteem for excluded individuals. Tools for working with groups, group building activities. Team working: Tuchman’s key stages in a team's development and Belbin team role (Chocolate River); The inclusive school and the inclusive society
6.COACHING SYSTEM IN SCHOOL: Coaching principles, coaching boundaries with respect to evaluation, mentoring, and
counselling; What is coaching in teaching? Coaching versus mentoring; coaching applications;Coaching models (GROW,
SMART)demonstration;Asking questions – exercise in pairs, reflection and feedback
7.MOTIVATION: Differentiated instruction that increases student engagement. Challenges for the qualitative classroom
management. How can we improve our teaching style: - personal development plan. Motivation tools for students: ARCS
model. Planning, support and commitment. The value of failure: world coffee method
8. KEY COMPETENCIES; How to encourage students Personal values Create a welcoming learning environment- finalize the
preventing dropout startegy. Space for discussion of future cooperation and planning follow up activities. Course evaluation. Releasing of official course certifications

The course includes also 2 study visits at local schools.

Kids Blowing Bubbles

Boost your creativity and prevent early school leaving: steps for integration and intercultural education

Therefore, education in the 21st century no longer prepares learners for the old paradigm. Moreover,we see that learning in the formal sense no longer stops in one’s early twenties. Lifelong learning has
become the new normal. Education is moving from standardised to personalised learning. Creativity takes children’s natural world, creative play, and develops it further, to create learning experiences which are for the participants, The course provides participants with an overview of the trending
innovative teaching methods as well as a cooperative, inspirational and stimulating space where to experiment and practice new tools, strategies and approaches.It will empower teachers with skills and
knowledge about access of students with fewer opportunities to formal and non-formal education, transnational mobility and participation, active citizenship, strategies to prevent early school leaving and tools to promote the differences in society

Based on formal, informal and non formal learning, our methodology will try to stimulate active participation, pro-activity, responsibility and sharing of problems and thoughts of all participants involved. In this way, we aim to build a diverse and stimulating environment for studying, reflecting and working. It has a horizontal and practical approach and will make use of the following tools:face-to-face lessons, experiential learning,team-building and team-working, best practice case-studies, driven simulations,role-play, study visits, focus-group, daily evaluation through self ,
group assessment, etc

By the end of the course, each participant should be able to:
-to solve inclusion issues in multicultural classes
-to have a clear understanding of exclusion and inclusion
- to create a pedagogical strategies in order to prevent early school leaving in his/ her school unit
-to find solutions and take measures to avoid exclusion of young people with fewer opportunities
-to use a wide range of idea creation techniques to create new and worthwhile ideas;
-to develop communication, collaboration, presentation, problem solving, negotiation, critical and creative thinking
-to learn strategies for students with fewer opportunities so as to give access them to formal and non-formal
education for empowerment and inclusion in school and society
-to know and to apply creative drama intercultural tehiques and European dimension
-to plan for and design inclusive education environments for learning.
-to develop individual learning plans based on whole-school curriculum planning.
-to outline strategies for developing professional working relationships within this group.
-to select and use relevant curriculum and support resources
-to learn new non-formal education activities and techniques in order to better integrate of all students in the
- to use new mediation and negotiation tools in the fight against exclusion of students with fewer opportunities
-to exchange practices and experiences on various aspects and perceptions of marginalization , inclusion and early
school leaving

The programme is designed on learning modules. The detailed agenda will be given after pre-registration.
1 .INTERCULTURAL SETTINGS. Connection between culture and inclusion. Education For All. A global commitment.Multicultural or intercultural education. Show me your class and I will tell you who you are
2 INTRODUCTION TO INCLUSION. A clear, basic understanding of exclusion and inclusion. Principles of inclusive
education. Aims and objectives of inclusive education. What means a teacher as inclusive promoter?
3. CREATIVITY: EU ley competences; creative solutions through creative learning methods. COLB methodfor creative teachers.Creativity and Making – crucial ideas for effective inclusion strategy
4. CREATIVE DRAMA IN EDUCATION: Effective Communication through Drama .Drama as a Social Inclusion Tool (Refugee Integration, Child Abuse, Child Labor, Special Needs etc.) . Drama in Education -ideas to prevent early school leaving
5.THE VALUE OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION: The basic elements of inclusive education; The support of inclusive education; Human library and Digital Storytelling as educational tools;
6. STRATEGIES TO EARLY SCHOOL LEAVING AND PREVENT EXCLUSION. How to foster students’ inclusion, tolerance and
intercultural awareness through non-formal, informal and experiential learning activities. Non formal education tools aimed
at social inclusion. Designing lessons and activities to support increasing diversity in contemporary classrooms Strategies to
involve in school activities students in risk of exclusion. Activities based on a very good overview and practical experience
of tools through individual work, working groups and collective work regarding social inclusion.
7.The extra benefit of using NON FORMAL METHODS IN MULTICULTURAL ENVIRONMENT. Practical work: designing,
preparing and implementing engaging non-formal activities.How to use technology and game-based education to make
teaching more interactive. Practical work: creating and delivering interactive learning games
8. TECHNIQUES TO SUPPORT SOCIAL INCLUSION. Conflict in classroom. Management styles of conflict. Mediation and negotiation tools in the fight against exclusion of people with fewer opportunities. Space for discussion of future
cooperation and planning follow up activitiesCourse evaluation. Releasing of official course certifications..

Reading Braille

Time to act- non formal education through in &outdoor methods to empower students’ active participation

Nearly half of all students feel bored at school every day with half of the students admitting to skipping school at least once or twice according to a study conducted by the Indiana State University in 2014. Although most public school children do get to go on a field trip away from school once or twice a year, it often isn’t the norm for students to enjoy nature as a part of their school day. Outdoor learning is a working method where parts of the everyday life in school is moved out of the classroom – into the local environment. Outdoor learning implies frequent and purpose-driven activities outside the classroom. Join this training and find out about activating all the school subjects in an integrated training where activities out-of-doors and indoors are closely linked together. 

-to provide theoretical and empirical experiences pertaining to school education in non-formal settings, and their contribution towards developing knowledge and skills for active citizenship and quality of life.
-to learn how to motivate, guide and assess learners to reduce low achievement in key competences, develop relevant, high-level and innovative skills, enhance good quality of mainstream education through outdoor education.
-to understand non-formal education principles, within the context of cooperative learning, blended learning and flipped classroom
-to try experiential learning, experience methods of reflection and develop your ability to give feedback
-to understand the consequences of applying the non-formal methods regarding students' motivation
-to learn new non formal activities, tools, methods and to share best practices regarding outdoor education in Europe
- to exchange and develop skills of leading groups outdoors together with colleagues from Europe
-to increase participants’ confidence in working with non-formal methods in outdoor spaces, 
- learn the positive power of team building activities and feel more confident and ready to re-use and adjust the practiced exercises at your own school
-to reinforce continual professional development, re-ignite lifelong learning strategies, build confidence in promoting game based strategies in education, promote pedagogies responsive to real world context

1. Welcome! Who we are ? What are you looking for? Ice-breaking activities; OUTDOOR EDUCATION for Sustainable Development: Philosophy, Policy and Practice. Challenges and impact
2. The characteristics of FORMAL, NON-FORMAL AND INFORMAL LEARNING. The differences between formal, non-formal and informal learning. Recognition of Non-formal and Informal Learning. Top 10 non formal learning methods to empower students’ active participation
3. 4. Practical workshops of OUTDOOR AND INDOOR NON-FORMAL METHODS and tools covering different topics and fostering several competences: energizers and team-building, theatre, storytelling and video-making, role-playing, simulation and team games, environmental education tools, interactive workshops, etc
5. TEAMBUILDING: The team-building process and the stages of group development ( Tuckman and Belbin); RLP( research, learn, practice) 1 outdoor activity (demonstrative workshops held by participants)
6. EU COMPETENCES: Key competences and skills for the 21st Century; the recognition of non-formal education competencies. OUTDOOR EDUCATION: Types of outdoor education; Benefits and principles; Planning and delivering ONE DAY OUTDOOR CLASSROOM concept
7. MOTIVATION: How to foster students’ motivation, participation and creativity through non-formal, informal and experiential learning activities; The extra benefit of using non-formal education methods and outdoor environment;
8. STEPS FOR FUTURE: 1 ideea 1 project: partnership project workshop ( eTwinning, Erasmus Plus ); Reflection and feedback; Course evaluation. Releasing of official course certifications.

The course includes 2 study visits at local schools.

School Bus

Inclusion starts with I – Learning to live together

During your teaching you will encounter a wide variety of students, all with their own history, personality and challenges. In order to enable all your students to benefit from your teaching, you will need to deal with these student differences purposefully; But how do you do that? How do you reach all your students? 

Today, inclusive education is increasingly understood as a complex endeavour. Although the term was originally used to refer to the inclusion of students with disabilities in mainstream schools, the conceptualisation of inclusive education has broadened over time to look at the issue the other way round – assuming that all children will be fully included in ordinary classrooms and schools. The aim of the training course is to empower teachers with skills and knowledge about social inclusion which are important for building an inclusive school. It focuses to the need for professionals with the capacity to respond to the increasing cultural, linguistic and developmental diversity of school communities and describes the principles of inclusion and their application in educational settings

Based on formal, informal and non formal learning, our methodology will try to stimulate active participation, pro-activity, responsibility and sharing of problems and thoughts of all participants involved. In this way, we aim to build a diverse and stimulating environment for studying, reflecting and working. It has a horizontal and practical approach and will make use of the following tools:face-to-face lessons, study visits in inclusive centres,team-building and team-working, experiential learning, best practice case-studies, project working,driven simulations,role-play, study visits, focus-group, daily evaluation through self, group assessment, etc

By the end of the course, each participant should be able to:
-to solve inclusion issues in multicultural classes 
-to have a clear understanding of exclusion and inclusion. 
-to develop and appropriately apply knowledge, skills and attitudes relevant to inclusive education and the contexts in which it takes place
-to increase chances to get involved in order to avoid inclusion
-to develop new specific competences regarding social inclusion 
-to raise motivation and interest work with disadvantaged students
-to learn new social inclusion tools and methods of work in order to educate all learners effectively
-to learn new non-formal education activities and techniques in order to better integrate of all students in the classroom
-to reflect critically on the relationships between theory and practice and explore issues in the implementation of educational and social principles and ideals.
- to find strategies based on a very good overview and practical experience of tools through individual work, working groups and collective work regarding social inclusion
- to use new mediation and negotiation tools in the fight against exclusion of people with fewer opportunities
-to exchange practices and experiences on various aspects and perceptions of marginalization and inclusion

The programme is designed on learning modules. The detailed agenda will be given after pre-registration.
Day 1 Intercultural issues. Connection between culture and inclusion. How to communicate in order to create a positve climate in the classroom. Introduction to Inclusion. A clear, basic understanding of exclusion and inclusion. Principles of inclusive education. Aims and objectives of inclusive education. 
Day 2 Inclusive Education: The research-basis for inclusive education. Need and importance. Reforms in curriculum. Barriers in inclusive education.Inclusive proven classroom strategies. A case studies of inclusive practices in schools and classes. Exchange practices and experiences on various aspects and perceptions of marginalization and inclusion. Story telling and no formal education tools aimed at social inclusion
Day3 The Value of Inclusive Education: The importance of inclusive education; The basic elements of inclusive education; The support of inclusive education; Social theater and improvisation as educational tools; study visit
Day 4 Different ways in which inclusive educational practices build a school's capacity to educate all learners effectively: Differentiated instruction that increases student engagement. Academic supports that help each student access the full curriculum. Behavioural supports that help maintain a positive learning environment for everyone. Respect for diversity.
Day 5 Strategies to improve inclusive education. Non formal and formal education and social inclusion. Non formal education tools aimed at social inclusion. Variety of instructional formats and various methods to support learners’ needs.
Day 6 Strategies to involve in school activities students in risk of exclusion. Activities based on a very good overview and practical experience of tools through individual work, working groups and collective work regarding social inclusion.
Day 7 Techniques to support social inclusion. Conflict in classroom. Management styles of conflict. Mediation and negotiation tools in the fight against exclusion of people with fewer opportunities.
Day 8 Human rights regarding social inclusion in school. The impact regarding social inclusion in schools. Planning, support and commitment. Planning the follow up: future projects together. Course evaluation. Releasing of official course certifications.

BEFORE:Every participant will have to fill a questionnaire which helps the trainers to customize the course to better fit their needs. Attendants will get instructions and material which will help them to be prepared for the courses needs.
AFTER: The participants will get material which includes information about all the areas covered at the course,lesson plans , all the produced outcomes of the course, useful links and more.

At the end of the course, each participant will be awarded with the Europass Mobility Certificate, together with a desciptive certificate of attendance. Both documents will be provided in double language. ( course language and participant national language)

Empty Classroom

The key of success- European project management in school


Erasmus+ programme offers a unique opportunity to obtain education, training, development and work experience in another European country and beyond, both

inside and outside the classroom. Benefits include personal and professional
development, the opportunity to broaden cultural horizons, boost confidence,
develop language skills and many more. The training we propose aims to develop
competences to manage and implement of Erasmus+ projects, open new opportunities
to increase participation of your staff in this programme.

Based on formal, informal and non formal learning, our methodology will try to stimulate active participation, pro-activity, responsibility and sharing of problems and thoughts of all participants involved. In this way, we aim to build a diverse and stimulating environment for studying, reflecting and working. It has a horizontal and practical approach and will make use of the following tools:face-to-face lessons, benchmarking,team-building and team-working, best practice casestudies,
project working,practical laboratory,driven simulations,role-play, focus-group, daily
evaluation through self and group assessment. An innovative aspect is given by the fact that all the information can be easily transfered in classroom management

Regional and local authorities;
School/ adult centre management department ;
Teachers & school staff

By the end of the course, each participant should be able to:
- identify the proper EU funding opportunity in the European Union
- interpret correctly a European call for proposals
- plan a project effectively and write a good proposal using Project Cycle Management tools
- manage effectively a European funded project using Project Cycle Management tools
- avoid mistakes in financial reporting that cost budget loss
- apply good examples and avoid bad ones on project planning and management of European related projects.
-organize and plan the project work;
-manage the project partnership;
-monitor the project development and evaluate its outcomes;
-create and deliver project reports;
-manage the financial and administrative issues of the project..

The programme is designed on learning modules. The detailed agenda will be given after preregistration
DAY1: European competences for project managers
DAY2: The "map" of European funds: European Union Institutions – Legislative procedure and Community Legislation – Structure of the European Commission – Official and unofficial sources of
information – Cohesion Policy and Objectives – Geographical rationale of all directly funded projects - Europe 2020, strategy for growth and future planning.
DAY3: Life Cycle of European Projects : principles, powerful techniques, tips and tools on successful project planning and effective project cycle management
DAY4: European Development Plan &Logical Framework Approach
DAY5: Laboratory of project cycle management : step-by-step process and guidance EU proposal
DAY6:Project desing&management. Evaluation and monitoringRoles, tasks and responsibilities in managing your project;Evaluation for improving the performance: principles, techniques,
tools;Project outcomes: management and quality standards;
DAY7: Dissemination principles: techniques tools for visibility, dissemination, promovation, explotation ; Methods of circulating and highlighting results – Sustainability and mainstreaming
DAY8: Strategy and tools to follow up: Analysis of the planning process, from the idea to the project. Course evaluation

Children in Yoga Class

L.E.A.D. :Leadership for European schools development- Quality Development for Effective Instruction and Continuous Improvement of modern education


Effective school leaders apply their educational expertise and management skills in order to focus their efforts, and those of their teaching staff, on improving the quality of student learning outcomes. Part of this requires excellent interpersonal skills – as leaders work with students, staff, parents and external communities to gain constant feedback and find opportunities to innovate. School leaders need to have a solid grasp of operational best practices and an aptitude for enabling continuous development. Good leadership in schools helps to foster both a positive and motivating culture for staff and a high-quality experience for learners. Leaders at all levels in schools can contribute to this by developing the top skills needed by school leaders. The course is an interactive training programme for educational authorities including schools of all levels that seeks to develop leadership for organizations’, leadership for strategy and leadership for capacity building, looking for a better quality development for effective instruction and continuous Improvement of modern education. The course is structured into training modules and each module focuses on a particular aspect of leadership in educational institutions. Each module provides knowledge, methodology, insights, skills and practical approaches to better explain what leadership is and how it can be achieved.

• To Reflect on the relationship between effective leadership and performance in organization;
• To Learn about vision and engagement as two core activities of leaders.;
• To Explore the significance of power and influence within leadership;
• To understand the added value of a situational approach to leadership (there is no “one size fits all” solution);
• To identify the individual values stimulating leadership;
• To learn the meaning and implications of “natural” leadership preferences;
• To strengthen participants’ capacity to ethical reflection and reasoning and make them reflect on the integrity of their organization;
• To learn how to apply various EU leadership model systems ;
• To understand the role of stakeholders in schools development;
• To gather an in-depth understanding of the principles for School Democratic Governance and their relevance for their organizations’ activity;
• To discover coaching models adaptable to school’s leadership;
• To check the personal leadership style including students’ style;
• To deepen on the connection between motivation, professional grow and leadership;
• To improve the skills to face workplace challenges, (such as having difficult conversations, leading teams, and dealing with complexity);
• To consider the role of the leader in driving change.

Organisational culture, Understanding Leadership, Leadership Values, Organisational Communication Skills, Expectation management, The job of the leader: Envisioning and engaging, Performance management, Self- awareness and group empowerment, Ethics Management, Strategies and models for leading change

Based on formal, informal and non formal learning, our methodology will try to stimulate active participation, pro-activity, responsibility and sharing of problems and thoughts of all participants involved. In this way, we aim to build a diverse and stimulating environment for studying, reflecting and working. It has a horizontal and practical approach and will make use of the following tools: face-to-face lessons, benchmarking, team-building and team-working, best practice case studies, project working, practical laboratory, driven simulations, role-play, focus-group, daily evaluation through self and group assessment. An innovative aspect is given by the fact that all the information can be easily transferred in classroom management

Regional and local authorities;
School/ adult centre management department ;
Teachers & school staff

Day 1: Course opening event; Why are you here and who are you? Cultural iceberg of organizations. Group exercise: what is your organization culture and dimension? ; Supporting cultural change – mind mapping. Mission and vision of organization – elevator pitch
Day 2: What is leadership? Identify leadership styles to overcome day to day challenges. Leadership styles: strengths, risks and circumstances; Management versus leadership; Group exercise: Identify leadership features in daily practices. Action profile: the skills for school leader – workshop; (Re)Defining school leadership responsibilities;
Day 3: Core challenges in implementing the principle of leadership: principles, powerful techniques, tips and tools on successful leadership; Group exercise: strategies to overcome leadership challenges; Leadership barriers; Leadership mind-sets for teamworking- creating a perfect team ( Tuckman and Belbin theory); Enhancing EQ ( Emotional Intelligence) for improving performances in teams; Exercise: Static mindset and growth oriented mind set – attitudes of the team; Debate: the challenge of team working
Day4: Group communication styles and skills; Role play-group dynamics and temperamental challenges; Time management strategies. Approaches to conflict. Basics: Understanding the problem. Conflict handling styles. Peer mediation: students serving as peer mediators in school environment. Exercise Skills Mediators Needs. Conflict – forum theatre Mediation and negotiation: differences in the approaches. Mediation experiences, Role play: mediation techniques for better leaders
Day 5: Developing leadership in a landscapes perspective: interactive thinking: feedback and discussions; Group exercise: What scope exists in your context for school leaders to shape and adapt the curriculum? What obstacles prevent principals from focusing on leadership roles that improve learning outcomes? ; Distributing leadership for school effectiveness
Day 6: Differentiated instruction that increases leader’s engagement. Challenges for the inclusive leadership. Motivation: The link between leadership and school development
How can we improve our leadership style - personal development plan.
Motivation tools for students to become future leaders; Planning, support and commitment. The value of failure: world coffee method
Day 7: Coaching and leadership; Coaching versus mentoring: open debate; Variations between coaching and mentoring for performance management; Coaching models: GROW, FUEL, CANOE, RISE, GROWTH Group exercise: Wheel of life- create your school imagine; Practical exercise – Starburst on coaching in education
Day 8: Building ethics and integrity for school leaders: open theatre “ethical dilemma”; Group exercise: design of a benchmark for integrity of the local school board; Integrity expectation towards leaders. School integrity management: structure plan and key principles
Day 9: Expectation management: Working with stakeholders (ENGINE model ); Group exercise: Managing expectations of the teachers staff according their own value and beliefs ; Ways to improve the working environment: open space method; How to overcome burnout.
Day10: Performance management: presentation and discussion on key principles of performance management; Am I a good leader: create your personal standards for becoming leader for European school! Dissemination and valorization activities planning. One-page proposal.
Using European certification tools: Europass Mobility certificate, upgrading the Europass Language Passport and Europass Skills Passport Project evaluation. Handing out certificates

Participants will be given hand outs during workshops and activities and self-evaluation materials will be provided as well. At the end of the course, they will receive a questionnaire to offer their feedback regarding the effectiveness of the training event and also soft copies of all PPT materials which will have been presented at the course in order to be shown to their colleagues in their own institutions to generate interest in quality in education. There will be a group formed on a social network which will act as a platform allowing participants and trainers to keep in touch after the end of the course and exchange impressions and opinions on how they apply systems of quality in their work.

Kids Painting

Non formal learning– the golden door for an innovative future for schools

During your teaching you will encounter a wide variety of students, all with their own learning needs, personality and challenges. In order to enable all your students to benefit from your teaching, you will need to deal with these student differences purposefully; But how do you do that? How can students interact in a productive way ? How do you reach all your students? NON FORMAL EDUCATION can be the answer! The course aims is to foster excellence and innovation in education by equipping teachers and education staff with the basic knowledge and skills to integrate non forma learning methods/ activities in their education programmes.

METHODOLOGY: Based on formal, informal and non formal learning, our methodology will try to stimulate active participation, pro-activity, responsibility and sharing of problems and thoughts of all participants involved. In this way, we aim to build a diverse and stimulating environment for studying, reflecting and working. It has a horizontal and practical approach and will make use of the following tools:face-to-face lessons, experiential learning,team-building and team-working, best practice case-studies, driven simulations,role-play, study visits, focus-group, daily evaluation through self , group assessment, etc

LEARNING OUTCOMES: By the end of the course, each participant should be able to:
-to understand the consequences of applying the non formal methods regarding students' motivation;
-to learn new non formal activities, tools, methods and to share best practices 
- to understand non-formal education principles, within the context of cooperative learning, blended learning;
-to use experiential learning in their activities in order to increase student motivation and enthusiasm to learn;
-to encourage teachers to use these methods to support and motivate the students and to make the lessons more attractive;
- to develop a greater understanding of the differences between formal, non-formal and informal learning as well as the basic non-formal education principles;
-to learn how to use outdoor education for personal, social and relational development (e.g. self.confidence, team building, leadership…);
- to learn more about the emerging trend of integrating non-formal working methods in formal education pathways;
- to practice and add to their know-how concrete non-formal activities, working methods and tools transferable into practice;
- to deeper understanding into the dynamics that happen between groups;
-to encourage teachers to be creative and to do all the best to boost the creativity of their students;
-to become aware of the role of personal and professional development as a quality factor in teaching process.

The programme is designed on learning modules. The detailed agenda will be given after pre-registration.

1 .INTERCULTURAL SETTINGS. Networking activities: Connection between cultures. Education For All. A global commitment. Show me your class and I will tell you who you are.
2 NON FORMAL EDUCATION. Comparing formal and non-formal learning; Practicing, designing and delivering non-formal activities and tool. Basic concepts and principles about non-formal education: debate
3. MOTIVATION: How to foster students’ motivation, participation and creativity through non-formal, informal and experiential learning activities; The extra benefit of using non-formal education methods in a multicultural environment;
4. COACHING: Coaching for non formal learning- Need and importance. The basic elements of coaching- coaching models. Teacher versus mentor versus coach: debate
5.NON FORMAL FOR INCLUSION: The importance of inclusive education; The basic elements of inclusive education; The support of inclusive education; Social theatre, human library and improvisation as educational tools; The extra benefit of using non-formal education methods in a multicultural environment
6. EU COMPETENCES : Key competences and skills for the 21st Century; the recognition of non-formal education competencies ;Thematic visit to school/non formal education centre
7. LEARNING BY DOING: Group dynamics; Collection of experiential workshops on Icebreakers, Warm-ups, Role plays, Open-ended problem drama, Critical incidents, Demonstrations, Panel discussions, Fishbowl, Team-building, storytelling,etc
8. OUTDOOR EDUCATION: Benefits and principles; Planning and delivering ONE DAY OUTDOOR CLASSROOM concept
Planning the follow up: future projects together. Course evaluation. Releasing of official course certifications and Europass Mobility documents.

CERTIFICATIONS: At the end of the course, each participant will be awarded with the Europass Mobility Certificate, together with a desciptive certificate of attendance. Both documents will be provided in double language. ( course language and participant national language)

Homework Help

Essentials of Project Management- Give PLUS to your institution with qualitative standards of PMI

Project Managers are tasked to complete projects successfully, efficiently, on time, and within budget. Organizations rely on trained professionals to generate and follow processes to accomplish critical goals. This training course is for individuals and institutions who manage projects on an informal basis or who may be interested in a career path in Project Management and desiring a complete overview of the field and its generally accepted practices.The training course aims at providing participants with the relevant skills to plan, manage and implement European projects in the fields of school education and training. The overall objective of the course is to give the right tools to set-up the international strategy of the school and to boost its European dimension. Also the participants will become familiar with the concepts of traditional project management and may have used the concepts to manage multiple projects (Agile project management.)

Based on formal, informal and non formal learning, our methodology will try to stimulate active participation, pro-activity, responsibility and sharing of problems and thoughts of all participants involved. In this way, we aim to build a diverse and stimulating environment for studying, reflecting and working. It has a horizontal and practical approach and will make use of the following tools:face-to-face lessons, benchmarking,team-building and team-working, best practice casestudies,
project working,practical laboratory,driven simulations,role-play, focus-group, daily
evaluation through self and group assessment. An innovative aspect is given by the fact that all the information can be easily transfered in classroom management

Regional and local authorities;
School/ adult centre management department ;
Teachers & school staff

By the end of the course, each participant should be able to:
-support education centres EU competitiveness through the delivery of ideas, development of technology and processes, and innovative solutions for society's challenges;
-meet and cooperate with colleagues of different nationalities within the EU, engage in cross-cultural learning experience, exchange ideas and good practices.
-build a network for future international cooperation, promote mobility and partnerships in a multicultural environment, contribute to a cohesive society.
- organize and plan the project work for a successful implementation of the project activities and for achieving the expected project’s results.
- organize and manage the project partnership, monitor its work, prevent and address conflicts.
- monitor the project development, assess and evaluate the quality of its outcomes, deal with possible risks.
- create and deliver project reports both for internal and external purposes.
-find solutions to the ongoing challenges of sustainability
- organize and manage the financial and administrative issues of the project, as well as check the eligibility of costs.

The program of the course will be structured according 9 module steps: 
Learning outcomes will focus on: HORIZON2020 opportunities. Education and Research portal. Techniques for analyzing programs. Simulations and assessment of your learning. Agile project management- introduction
2. Partnership in projects submitted by other organizations 
Learning outcomes will focus on:: the main official and unofficial channels for finding partnerships. How to fill and submit the info sheet of your organization. Examples of ads and profiles. Simulations and assessment. 
3. Acquire knowledge preliminary to submitting applications- time steps in submitting projects and filling the application forms 
Learning outcomes will focus on:: the structure of application form and of the projects. The possible results of projects. The evaluation criteria. The logical and temporal steps of project writing and submission. Simulations and assessment. 
4. Produce effective project ideas and structure them in work packages 
Learning outcomes will focus on:: the sources of inspiration for projects ideas. The choice and optimum description of target groups, products and activities. The structure by work packages. Simulations and assessment. 
5. Choose the most suitable project partners 
Learning outcomes will focus on:: the main official and unofficial channels for finding partners. Evaluation criteria of partners. Criteria for division of tasks among partners. Negotiation with possible partners. Simulations and assessment. 
6. Describe in the application form the goal and the impact of your project 
Learning outcomes will focus on:: the correspondence between goal of the project and goal and priorities of the program. Criteria for evaluation of the impact. The choice of indicators. The description of the context and of the impact in the application form. Example by an approved project. Simulations and assessment. 
7. The management of your project 
Learning outcomes will focus on:: tools for cooperation amongst partners. The project meetings. Tools for quality assurance. Goals and indicators for management. The description of the management and quality assurance in the application form. Example by an approved project. Simulations and assessment. 
8. Valorization of your project 
Learning outcomes will focus on:: the concept and components of valorization: dissemination, exploitation and sustainability. The tools for dissemination. Strategies for exploitation and sustainability. Good practices for involving target groups. Goals and indicators for valorization. Drawing your dissemination and exploitation plan. The description of valorization in the application form. Simulations and assessment.
9. The budget of your project 
Learning outcomes will focus on: he structure of the budget in European projects. Main cost categories and principles for budgeting: staff, travel and subsistence, equipment, subcontracting, other costs. Indirect costs, estimated income, financing. The instalments and the financial guarantee. Filling the questions of your application focused on the budget. Simulations and assessment. Course evaluation

Doing Homework

ConnectEdu:Information and communication technologies (ICT) for nowadays classes


Despite the overwhelming consequences of the pandemic, this global crisis has also been an extraordinary time for learning. We are learning how adaptable and resilient educational systems, policy makers, teachers, students and families can be. Two crucial factors have shifted due to the pandemic. First, pedagogical adaptations have proven to be pivotal as the traditional lecturing in-person models do not translate to a remote learning environment. No matter the type of channel used (radio, TV, mobile, online platforms, etc.) teachers need to adapt their practices and be creative to keep students engaged as every household has become a classroom - more often than not - without an environment that supports learning.

ICT’s course is aimed for teachers and school staff from pre-school level to primary, secondary, vocational, adult and special needs education, staff of non-government organizations, government and policy makers and company staff

– ICT competences about applying technology in different educational settings in order to improve the motivation of the students
– developing tools about ways of applying technology in education for different age groups
– skilled usage of at least 5 digital enabled activities, techniques and tools (production of training materials, publishing, audio, video etc.) for their own teaching context in order to improve the motivation and involvement of their students
- improvement of practical skills related to the classroom management and application process of the new technologies
-raising awareness of key issues related to digital literacy in education
-improvement of digital skills by working with a range of interesting tools, software and programmes for teaching and learning
creating concrete teaching projects (multimedia contents, resources and blended lessons) to be applied in classroom
– increasing participants’ confidence in using website’s creator platforms
– transferring knowledge and methods between different cultural zones and different learner ages, by active adaptation;

TRAINING MODULES: Culture and digital culture; Digital Tools, Audio and Video digital stories; Gamification and Team building; Blogs, Websites and Webquests; Networking and dissemination

1. Course opening event: Ask me- let’s get to know each other. - Brief presentation of the course, participants and its target. Explanation of the final project.
Facebook wall. Cultural challenges and team building in international context participants’ profile What is culture; Connection between cultures
Practical laboratory, with guidance and assistance to participants.
2. Digital tools: Google tools (Google drive, Google Earth);; WorldCloud; VOKI – creating an Avatar
Intercultural iceberg. Working in an international project – how to communicate and connect: Sharing activity
Practical laboratory, with guidance and assistance to participants.
3.4 Audio and video stories: Apps and tools for video and digital stories: Powtoon, Edpuzzle
Key competences for lifelong learners: Improving Competences for the 21st Century
Photo Voice and Digital treasure hunt

TOOLFAIR experience:Mobile apps for learning
Practical laboratory, with guidance and assistance to participants.
5.6. Gamification and Team building: Creating Webquest-Project for classroom interaction; Classroomscreen app, Classcraft, Quizziz, Slido app; Tricider app;
Classroom open resources: Worldwall, Padlet, Edmodo
Video games for interdisciplinary subjects
Platform for interactive lessons: app
Practical laboratory, with guidance and assistance to participants.
7. Blogs, Websites and Webquests: How to create an website? Differences between blog and website. WIX website
How can we improve our teaching style - personal development plan.
Practical laboratory, with guidance and assistance to participants.
8. Course evaluation: Mentimeter app
Dissemination plan. Handing out certificates

Kids Playing Treasure Hunt



Fostering equity by offering the best education possible to all students is one of the main goals of inclusive schooling. Education is a right for every human being, regardless of circumstance and whatever condition it is born in the world. All countries have an obligation to ensure that all their peoples can receive equal education and this process should be starting from preprimary level. Inclusive education is a process of changing the school environment based on respect and acceptance of other people. It implies wise management of school processes in a way which makes children feel supported to develop their capacity and to overcome hardships; which makes teachers feel encouraged and confident that they are able to cope with the growing challenges, while parents are able to assume their responsibility and role in partnership with school. This course is designed to give teachers and school board managers overview of classroom leadership and inclusive management through an equity lens. The teachers managers will explore their own values and beliefs, observe and reflect on other teachers’ tactics, learn about a variety of current and past methodologies of inclusive class management, and explore working with diverse students.


Based on formal, informal and non formal learning, our methodology will try to stimulate active participation, pro-activity, responsibility and sharing of problems and thoughts of all participants involved. In this way, we aim to build a diverse and stimulating environment for studying, reflecting and working. It has a horizontal and practical approach and will make use of the following tools:face-to-face lessons, experiential learning,team-building and team-working, best practice case-studies, driven simulations,role-play, study visits, focus-group, daily evaluation through self ,group assessment, etc


Teachers (all education level);

Teacher trainers;

Careers officers, educational guides and counsellors; Headteachers;

Principals; Managers of schools;

By the end of the course, each participant should be able to:
-to solve inclusion issues in multicultural classes
-to have a clear understanding of exclusion and inclusion

- to provide for all participants  tools and knowledge to support the transition towards inclusive education  and inclusive schools
- to create a pedagogical strategies in order to prevent early school leaving

-to find solutions to create an inclusive school since preprimary level

-to use a wide range of idea creation techniques to create new and worthwhile ideas;
-to develop communication, collaboration, presentation, problem solving, negotiation, critical and creative thinking skills
- to develop a realistic development plan for inclusive schools ( preprimary and primary)

-to face diversity and identify the barriers to participation and learning arising within schools;

 -to draw up development priorities and planning interventions to support diversity (e.g. curricula adaptations, design of differentiated lessons);


Day 1 Course opening event; INTERCULTURAL SETTINGS. Connection between culture and inclusion. Education For All. A global commitment. Multicultural or intercultural education. Show me your class and I will tell you who you are

Day 2 COMMUNICATION STYLE MANAGEMENT- COMMUNICATION WITH PARENTS Facts about effective communication with parents ;Common mistakes and hurdles in communicating with parents; Avoiding hurdles and mistakes we often make in our communication with parents;How to correct mistakes in future communication; Techniques of active listening and constructive feedback; Supporting parents to set goals and prepare an action plan; Empowering parents to build independence and responsibility in their children;
Day 3WORKING COOPERATIVELY: Creating a cooperative learning classroom; The benefits of cooperative learning ;. Dividing Your Class into Groups ; How to make cooperative learning work ; How to structure a cooperative learning activity ; Experiencing a cooperative learning activity

Day 4and Day 5 .Strategies FOR INCLUSION IN SCHOOLS THE VALUE OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION: The basic elements of inclusive education; The support of inclusive education; Human library and Digital Storytelling as educational tools; STRATEGIES TO EARLY SCHOOL LEAVING AND PREVENT EXCLUSION. How to foster students’ inclusion, tolerance and intercultural awareness through non-formal, informal and experiential learning activities. Non formal education tools aimed at social inclusion. Designing lessons and activities to support increasing diversity in contemporary classrooms Strategies to involve in school activities students in risk of exclusion. STUDY VISIT to a local school

Day 6  Developing LEADERSHIP in an inclusive landscapes perspective: interactive thinking: feedback and discussions; Group exercise: What scope exists in your context for school leaders to shape and adapt the curriculum for creating  an inclusive preschools/ schools? What obstacles prevent principals from focusing on leadership roles that improve learning outcomes? ; Distributing leadership for school effectiveness Differentiated instruction that increases leader’s engagement. Challenges for the inclusive leadership. Motivation: The link between leadership and school development

Day 7  MODEL DEVELOPMENT FOR INCLUSIVE EDUCATION MANAGEMENT: practical guidelines for inclusive schools;  ELF teacher's classroom management practices at an inclusive school: Coaching principles, coaching boundaries with respect to evaluation, mentoring, and
counselling; What is coaching in teaching? Coaching versus mentoring; coaching applications; Coaching models (GROW, SMART) demonstration; Asking questions – exercise in pairs, reflection and feedback

Day 8  EXPECTATION MANAGEMENT: Working with stakeholders (ENGINE model ); Group exercise: Managing expectations of the teachers staff according their own value and beliefs; PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT: presentation and discussion on key principles of inclusive performance management; Am I a good leader: create your personal standards for becoming leader for European inclusive school!

Dissemination and valorization activities planning. One-page proposal.
Using European certification tools: Europass Mobility certificate, upgrading the Europass Language Passport and Europass Skills Passport Project evaluation. Handing out certificates

BEFORE: Every participant will have to fill a questionnaire which helps the trainers to customize the course to better fit their needs. Attendants will get instructions and material which will help them to be prepared for the courses needs.
AFTER: The participants will get material which includes information about all the areas covered at the course,lesson plans , all the produced outcomes of the course, useful links and more.

At the end of the course, each participant will be awarded with the Europass Mobility Certificate, together with a desciptive certificate of attendance. Both documents will be provided in double language. ( course language and participant national language)

Woman Tutoring Child

BUILDING BRIDGES NOT WALLS-equal opportunity for all students or how to become a better teacher for special education

Today, inclusive education is increasingly understood as a complex endeavor. Inclusive education is not an optional extra, it is a basic necessity. We must put the most vulnerable at the heart of our actions to achieve a better life for all” said Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education. Statistics prove that students with learning disabilities in segregated schools catered for special education needs will be more likely to be earlier school drop-out or to have fewer opportunities when entering the job market. Inclusion of students with special needs in mainstream schools is an important goal. The purpose of this course is to develop foundational skills for setting up an inclusive education program that meets the students not only with special needs but also students with diverse needs in general education settings. The course will emphasize many of the behind-the-scenes strategies and activities that must be completed on a regular basis to make inclusive education effective and efficient.

Based on formal, informal and non formal learning, our methodology will try to stimulate active participation, pro-activity, responsibility and sharing of problems and thoughts of all participants involved. In this way, we aim to build a diverse and stimulating environment for studying, reflecting and working. It has a horizontal and practical approach and will make use of the following tools:face-to-face lessons, study visits in inclusive centres,team-building and team-working, experiential learning, best practice case-studies, project working,driven simulations, role-play, study visits, focus-group, daily evaluation through self, group assessment, etc

By the end of the course, each participant should be able to:
-to solve inclusion issues in multicultural classes 
-to develop and appropriately apply knowledge, skills and attitudes relevant to inclusive education and the contexts in which it takes place

-to learn how to improve and promote good relationships between your students with special needs and other teachers and classmates.

-to discover ways of developing inclusive school culture
- to develop support strategies to help students with learning difficulties
- to implement techniques that help in experiential learning and in active learning for students with special needs
-to increase chances to get involved in order to avoid inclusion
-to raise motivation and interest work with students with special needs
-to exchange practices and experiences on various aspects and perceptions of marginalization and inclusion

The programme is designed on learning modules. The detailed agenda will be given after pre-registration.

Day 1Course opening event. The terms connected with “Special needs students” and special needs education. Frameworks and comparison among countries in the EU.  Intercultural issues. Connection between culture and inclusion. How to communicate in order to create a positve climate in the classroom. Introduction to Inclusion. A clear, basic understanding of what special needs are
Day 2 Inclusive Education: The research-basis for inclusive education. Need and importance. Reforms in curriculum. Barriers in inclusive education. Inclusive proven classroom strategies. A case studies of inclusive practices in schools and classes. Exchange practices and experiences on various aspects and perceptions of marginalization and inclusion. Storytelling and no formal education tools aimed at social inclusion
Day3 The Value of Inclusive Education: The importance of inclusive education; The basic elements of inclusive education; The support of inclusive education; Social theater and improvisation as educational tools; study visit

Day 4 Strategies to improve education for students with special needs. Non formal and formal education and social inclusion. Non formal education tools aimed at social inclusion. Variety of instructional formats and various methods to support learners’ needs.
Day 5 and Day 6 Different ways in which inclusive educational practices build a school's capacity to educate all learners effectively: How school can support the development of special needs children. Creating a supportive classroom environment. How to work with special needs children. Presentation of successful methods. How to integrate disabled students with classmates.
Day 7 The greatest challenges of disabled children’s teachers. Scheme of Human Behavior. Rational Emotive Therapy + Behavior modification. Individualized ;0olEducation Program (IEP). Code of successful practice, analysis of the most important areas of special needs cognitive, learning, social, emotional, behavioral, communication, interaction, sensory, physical.
Day 8 Strategies to involve in school activities students in risk of exclusion. Activities based on a very good overview and practical experience of tools through individual work, working groups and collective work regarding social inclusion.
Day 9 Techniques to support social inclusion. Conflict in classroom. Management styles of conflict. Mediation and negotiation tools in the fight against exclusion of people with fewer opportunities.
Day 10 Human rights regarding social inclusion in school. The impact regarding social inclusion in schools. Planning, support and commitment. Planning the follow up: future projects together. Course evaluation and dissemination plan. Releasing of official course certifications.

BEFORE: Every participant will have to fill a questionnaire which helps the trainers to customize the course to better fit their needs. Attendants will get instructions and material which will help them to be prepared for the course’s needs.
AFTER: The participants will get material which includes information about all the areas covered at the course,lesson plans , all the produced outcomes of the course, useful links and more.

At the end of the course, each participant will be awarded with the Europass Mobility Certificate, together with a descriptive certificate of attendance. Both documents will be provided in double language. ( course language and participant national language)

Image by Guillaume de Germain



Education for nature, often called ecological education, is not included in the school curriculum, not even among optional programmes. Teachers, particularly those who are not specialized in areas related to nature conservation, have very few opportunities to learn about education programmes and efficient education methods in the vast area of nature and natural resource conservation as a basic pillar for sustainable development.  On the other hand, when children spend time outside, exploring in nature, it can improve their creativity and imagination, classroom performance, and academic achievement, as well as their overall physical and mental health.

Therefore, this course will initiate activities to address the issues listed above, based on the assumption that children's education may have a significant impact on the long term for the correct perception and approach to sustainable development, including for the acknowledgement of the importance of protected areas, not only for nature and environment protection but also for sustainable development


-to understand the basic concepts of sustainability and of Education for Sustainable Development

--to provide theoretical and empirical experiences pertaining to ecological education for school settings, and their contribution towards developing knowledge and skills for active citizenship and quality of life;

-to create solutions for making education center staff and organizations more eco-friendly;

-to create best practices, exchange on tools, methods and applied programs regarding ecological awareness in Europe

- to learn how to engage students with and care for their local environment, both in their school buildings and in their local community

- to cope the staff with practical tools for guiding the student’s to reduce the ecological footprint through ecological awareness

-to be aware of the impact of our daily habits to the environment and ways to change this behavior

- to encourage teachers to plan concrete activities focused on sustainability and climate change education


ECOpassport for GREEN schools and educators teaches teachers and students how to think, not what to think, about complex environmental issues. Our activities are fun and hands-on, cover the total environment, and connect children to nature. The methods applied will help teachers to engage students in learning, improve student achievement, and grow 21st century skills that tomorrow’s decision-makers need to succeed – including the ability to think critically and make informed decisions. The course will have a non-formal approach and 80% of the activities will be held outdoor.


The programme is designed on learning modules. The detailed agenda will be given after pre-registration.

LEARNING MODULES: education for sustainability, environmental education, GREEN schools model, ECOgreen toolkit, 3 R (reduce reuse recycle) concept: , PLT Green Schools, apps for environment education,  5 investigations model( energy, environmental quality, water, waste & recycling ,), digital ECO

DAY 1-Course opening event; Ecological education and culture; European and global challenges

Interpretation of nature and animation for nature. Similarities and differences with environmental education.

DAY2-Why Education for Sustainability?

Education for sustainability: what is and what is not ; why EfS is important for students? what does it mean to integrate EfS in the school? Sustainability RAINBOW model

DAY3- What is a GREEN school? Why green school? How do I GREEN my school: 4 pilar for health and sustainable schools  and 7 Steps to a GREEN School; Ecological footprint measurements

DAYS 4,5& 6 -ECOgreen toolkit: 15 ECO RESOURCES FOR EDUCATORS (Teaching environmental education through various disciplines)

DAY 7-Apps for ecological education : virtual field trips and more

DAY8-Action plan- design the ECOpassport for GREEN schools

ECOnetwrok- commitment of the ECOpassport ;

Disseminatin plan and sustenability ideas

 Course closure event-handing out certificates and Europass documents

BEFORE: Every participant will have to fill a questionnaire which helps the trainers to customize the course to better fit their needs. Attendants will get instructions and material which will help them to be prepared for the course’s needs.
AFTER: The participants will get material which includes information about all the areas covered at the course, lesson plans , all the produced outcomes of the course, useful links and more. 

At the end of the course, each participant will be awarded with the Europass Mobility Certificate, together with a descriptive certificate of attendance. Both documents will be provided in double language. ( course language and participant national language)

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